Taller de Arte Religioso Salmerón presents this wooden niche decorated with gold leaf and with a background covered with brocade fabric.
Taller de Arte Religioso Salmerón presents this wooden niche decorated with gold leaf and with a background covered with brocade fabric.
Taller de Arte Religioso Salmerón presents this restoration. This angel has been restored, removing imperfections and giving it a new polychrome.
Taller de Arte Religioso Salmerón presents this reliquary made of wood, hand-carved, polychrome and gilded with gold leaf.
You can see more models on our website: www.artesalmeron.com
Taller de Arte Religioso Salmerón has renovated the Chapel of the Residence of the Sisters of the Cross of Aldaya (Valencia).
The following have been made: altar table, altarpiece, tabernacle, niche, votive lamp and angel stand.
You can see more works on our website: www.artesalmeron.com
Tintinnabulum made for the Basilica of Lliria (Valencia) which has recently obtained this qualification from the Holy See.
The tintinnabulum is carved in wood and gilded with gold leaf.
You can see more models on our website www.artesalmeron.com
We make Stations of the Cross with different designs.
They can be made of wood (exposed or polychrome), resin (gold, silver, metal, or polychrome), and metal with gold, silver, nickel or polished brass plating.
You can see them at www.artesalmeron.com